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Welcome! I'm Holly Jo, A Certified Life Coach


 I have been a dedicated Life Coach since 2019. I help individuals overcome obstacles, achieve their dreams, and live with increased confidence and joy. I specialize in:


  • Reframing and overcoming addictive behaviors

  • Accomplishing lifelong goals

  • Improving relationships

  • Building self-confidence in your abilities

  • Gaining clarity on your life’s desires


Together, we navigate the journey to a more fulfilling and vibrant life.

When you are ready, I am here to support is a good day to start.


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Melanie, Texas

Working with Holly Jo has brought so much awareness to my life. I've learned from Holly Jo that celebrating my emotions is a gift. It is the way to a full-hearted life. I have broken old patterns that were keeping me stuck and in the drama. Now I have a freedom I have never known!

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Jan, Connecticut

Life coaching with Holly Jo was amazing! She always made me feel like I was safe to open up and share things that were hard for me talk about. I loved that she showed me that I was normal and that nothing was wrong with me.  She has a special gift of showing you your mind and opening you up to see other possibilities. She has taught me how to use my mind in ways that are helpful for me to create an amazing life.

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Krista, Colorado

Holly Jo’s insightful and caring coaching has made it possible for me to make amazing changes in my life. With her guidance and teaching Holly Jo has helped me learn how to love more in my relationships and in my life overall. She came into my life at just the right time and I’m glad she’s been my coach.




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Are you struggling to align your thoughts and actions with your life desires?


Many of us go through life acting in ways that are untrue to who we want to be. If you find yourself struggling to become the person you hope to be, my coaching is right for you.


Consider the first great commandments from Mark 12:30-31:

"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these.”

These verses emphasize the importance of loving yourself, which is as vital as loving God and your neighbor. Yet, many people live with self-hate and sabotaging behaviors, feeling unworthy of love.

It is very difficult to love God and others if you don't love yourself.


Positive change and growth start with loving yourself by honoring and respecting your true needs, wants, and desires. This means overcoming self-sabotaging thoughts and actions that prevent you from being who you were made to be.


I offer a non-judgmental, supportive environment where we can focus on your thoughts and mindset to support your life desires and become aware of thoughts that may be getting in the way.

I will help you see your true potential and individual worth by teaching you to let go of self-judgment, the wasteful, non-productive energy that holds you back from aligning your behaviors with your true self.


I have personal experience with the challenges of making life changes and understand the importance of positive support and encouragement throughout the process. If you are ready to make positive changes in your life and start living with intention and purpose, I’m here to help.


It would be a privilege to coach you!


            Holly Jo Martin


My Training


Bachelor of Science in Marriage and Family Studies from BYU-Idaho in 2018.

Certified Life Coach through The Life Coach School by Brooke Castillo in 2019. 


My Experience


Marriage, Family & Career Coach for women at Melanie Hill Coaching 2019 - 2021

Accountability & Health Coach for women and men at Calibrate 2021 - 2023

Life Coach for Holly Jo Martin Life Coaching - Love Life and Shine 2019 to Present


You will learn how to:


  • Accept yourself and others with mindfulness (non-judgmental, compassionate understanding)

  • Live life wholeheartedly, be brave

  • Feel Confidence in Abilities

  • Love yourself & others

  • Think Intentionally

  • Feel Peace and Joy

  • Believe in Yourself

  • Achieve Goals

  • Overcome Fears

  • Overcome Urges

  • Manifest your Dreams

  • Overcome Unwanted Habits

  • Pursue Life Desires with Purpose

  • Manage your Brain Productively

  • Overcome Negative Responses to Emotions and Hormones


Contact Holly Jo by email at or schedule a virtual coaching session at: Holly Jo Martin's Life Coaching Schedule


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